Above: This "patch" of succulents and ground cover was in front of our house. In the background top left, you see
the fence (termite heaven!) which surrounded a little paved "courtyard" in front of the entry to the house; to the
right you can just make out the car port and the wheel of our old Toyota (before we sold it when we got assigned a company
Below: There was a tree in the front right corner of the "patch" (as you stand at the street, looking at the
house). One year, the bees took up residence! They were everywhere in the front garden in the spring, but we were never stung.
While they should make for a tasty treat for the migrating bee-eaters in the fall, very few of the hives lasted for long.
As soon as the trash workers discovered a hive, they took it down for the honey!

Below: Abdul Kareem worked in our garden at least three hours a week and was the primary reason it looked as good as it did.
He brought plants from his job with the Royal Commission's landscaping company, and he pruned heavily whenever he got the
